Git tips & tricks for everyday use - part 2
The first part of my git tips & tricks blogpost got some really good responses. It’s been a while so I think the time is right to compose a second list of tips & tricks!
(Force) push the current branch
While force pushing you will always have to check you push the right branch. Otherwise it is possible you accidentally
force push another branch, for example the master branch. If that branch was behind on the origin master you will override
all changes done by others. To avoid this you can just use HEAD
as the branch indicator:
git push origin HEAD -f
Force push with lease
To avoid overriding changes on the remote branch because you force push, git has a built-in safety check.
You can use the --force-with-lease
flag, this way git will check that the remote branch has not been
updated since you last fetched it.
$ git push origin HEAD --force-with-lease
To /tmp/test-repo
! [rejected] dev -> dev (stale info)
error: failed to push some refs to '/tmp/test-repo'
Bisect run
Git bisect is a great tool to trace bugs to the commit that introduced them. But this can be a long process when it’s an complex issue or it was committed a long time ago. In order to make this process easier and faster, you can use git bisect run
This sub-command of the bisect tool allows to pass an automated check if a commit is good or bad. You can for example pass a phpunit test that will validate all commits that bisect will check. If the test(s) fail it’s a bad commit otherwise it’s a good commit.
git bisect start
git bisect good 85730ab # We know the functionality worked at commit 85730ab
git bisect bad fbe6fb8 # And we know that the current commit is bad
git bisect run phpunit tests/BrokenFunctionalityTest.php # Bisect is setup, so run it with our test to validate the functionality
# Result
ad1a436f0c15676cd5251e1d73c3af667e739a72 is the first bad commit
Partial reverts
Sometimes you want to revert a “bad” commit but keep some of the changes. This can easily be done by the ` revert –no-commit (-n)` command.
git revert -n $bad_commit # Revert the commit, but don't commit the changes
git reset HEAD # Unstage the changes
git add --patch . # Add the changes you want to keep
git commit # Commit those changes
Easily switch to previous branch
Just like on the command line you can switch to the previous directory by using cd -
, you can use this same trick to
switch easily to the previous branch.
git checkout feature-branch1
git status
On branch feature-branch1
git checkout master
git status
On branch master
git checkout -
git status
On branch feature-branch1
Gitignore templates
Github has provided a repository with a whole bunch of gitignore templates to get you started on a new project. For example when you start a symfony project from scratch, just run the following command and you will have a correct .gitignore to get started.
wget -O .gitignore
To find all available gitignore templates visit the github/gitignore repository.
Gitignore alias
With this alias you can easily add extra files or directories to the gitignore right from the command line.
git config --global --add alias.ignore '!f() { echo $1 >> .gitignore; }; f'
# Execute the command
git ignore /path/to/ignore/dir/*
Change the base branch
When you accidentally create a feature branch from the incorrect branch. For example you started a branch from a feature
branch instead of the master branch. By using rebase --onto
you can rebase the feature branch from the correct branch.
The syntax is like rebase *original starting branch* --onto *correct branch*
git rebase feature-1 --onto master
Git standup alias
A lot of teams use standups to recap the work each team member did the last day or so. When you work on a lot of different issues it’s hard to remember what you exactly did in that timespan. Therefor this alias makes it easy to retreive all the work done in the past day in all branches.
git config --global --add alias.standup '!git log --branches --remotes --tags --no-merges --author="`git config`" --since="$(if [[ "Mon" == "$(date +%a)" ]]; then echo \"last friday\"; else echo \"yesterday\"; fi)" --format=%s'
# Now you can run the following command and get all commits you did yesterday
git standup
Bonus: lazy standup
This is a fun little extension to the git standup
alias. We can use the built-in text-to-speech tool so you
don’t even have to speak during the standup :)
git config --global --add alias.lazy-standup '!git standup-simple | spd-say -e' # On osx you can use the say command instead of spd-say
# Just run git lazy-standup and just sit back and relax :)
If you have other cool git tips and tricks or you like any of these, let it know in the comments below!